How to start a band

How to start a band

How to start a band

Once you can play the drums well, the next step is to form a band. Find a bassist and jam together. You both need to lock in together. You and the bassist are the rhythm section of the band. Once both of you are ok. Get your third musician, a guitarist or keyboardist or both. Either of you can be a vocalist or get someone good. Then work a repertoire of songs. Work on simple and popular songs, they can be old songs that are popular.

Then make a business card, name your band and market yourself. You can start a FB group page. Play for wedding functions, events etc. You can charge up to RM2800 per event or more.

Of course you have to invest in some amps and microphones, as you make the money, start buying them. Initially you may need to hire the amps. Mics are provided in the events. When playing for weddings, play mostly love songs like, “tonight I celebrate my love for you”, titanic song- “my heart will go on”, “pretty woman” etc. don’t play sad songs.

Have both fast and slow songs. Fast songs such as “proud mary” , “rock around the clock” etc.

You must have a good repertoire of songs as you may need to do two sessions of 45 min to 1 hr. People may want to come up and sing songs from the function, so you must be versatile.

Once you get really good then you can approach clubs to play for them, they can pay rm 700 per night to 3000 depending on how big they are. You don’t need to play everyday, just the nights you are free.

If you want to play for company functions, print a leaflet of your band and do some leg work. Go to companies and give them. You can cover a building floor by floor and pass them your leaflet. Make sure it’s a colour leaflet done professionally.

A number of my students have formed bands and cut their own albums. You will eventually be on your way to stardom.

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